About Us

Advocates for Responsible Disposal in Texas (ARDT) is an association of low-level radioactive waste generators supported by S.T.P. Nuclear Operating Company, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, and individuals from the health physics, medical and university research communities. ARDT is governed by an Executive Board made up of representatives from these members.

ARDT supports the State of Texas' efforts to establish and regulate a system that will manage and provide permanent disposal of low-level radioactive waste with rates that are fair and reasonable. Low-level radioactive waste is generated as a result of beneficial activities such as providing affordable, emissions-free nuclear power and other industrial applications as well as medical, diagnostic treatment and research applications. For more information about low-level radioactive waste, see "Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management--A Primer", "Uses of Radioisotopes.", and “Greater-Than-Class C (GTCC) Low-Level Radioactive Waste—A Primer”.


The purpose of ARDT is to support a system that will safely manage and provide permanent disposal of low-level radioactive waste. The goals and activities of the group are:

For additional information, please contact:

Advocates for Responsible Disposal in Texas (ARDT)
P.O. Box 26586
Austin, TX 78755-0586

Edward Selig

Brian Christian